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Documentary Feature Film

SU QUESTE MONTAGNE - On these mountains | Official trailer

SU QUESTE MONTAGNE - On these mountains | Official trailer

Un film di Andrea Sbarretti Nelle montagne della Valnerina la vita è concreta, dura, reale. Scandita dal ritmo delle stagioni e della terra. I pochi abitanti di queste frazioni, mantengono ancora quelle abitudini al sacrificio che ricordano il pesante lavoro quotidiano dei loro avi. Ci troviamo al Salto del Cieco, dove sorgeva la Dogana tra lo Stato Pontificio ed il Regno delle Due Sicilie. In queste vallate resiste un mondo contadino che trascende i ritmi metropolitani, fatti di vacuità ed egoismo. La loro bontà la avvertiamo nei dialoghi semplici ma sinceri, nei racconti rurali di un eremita che ha sistemato un vecchio rudere per viverci senza acqua nè corrente, nel candore di un uomo che ha dato una cuccia a molti cani senza padrone. Un padre ed un figlio che allevano mucche in alta montagna, un giovane che ha scelto la solitudine. Storie diverse, alle quali il non-luogo della montagna conferisce una umanità che si ridesta ogni giorno. In the mountains of the Valnerina, life is concrete, hard, real, based on the rhythm of the seasons and of the earth. The few inhabitants of these hamlets still maintain those habits of sacrifice that recall the heavy daily work of their ancestors. We are at the Salto del Cieco, where the Customs House stood between the Papal State and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. In these valleys there is a peasant world that transcends the metropolitan rhythms, made of emptiness and selfishness. We perceive their goodness in the simple but sincere dialogues, in the rural tales of a hermit who has arranged an old ruin to live there without water or electricity, in the candor of a man who has given a kennel to many dogs without a master. A father and a son who raise cows in the high mountains, a young man who has chosen solitude. Different stories, to which the non-place of the mountain confers a humanity that awakens every day. Cilento Fest 2023 - Miglior Film (ex aequo) RAGFF Venezia 2023 - Miglior Documentario ' Storie Umane' Edo State Film Festival 2022 - Miglior Film in lingua straniera Edo State Film Festival 2022 - Premio del Governatore per il Miglior Lungometraggio Indigeno Voci dei Boschi Film Festival 2022 - Miglior Documentario Terni Film Festival 2022 - Miglior Montaggio Student World Impact New York 2022 - Menzione d'Onore Dubai Film Festival 2022 - Menzione d'Onore Diamond Bell Film India 2023 - Menzione d'Onore Madonie Film Festival 2023 - Menzione d'Onore Ponza Film Award 2023 - Menzione d'Onore SFC Film Festival Australia 2023 - Menzione d'Onore The Paus Premieres Festival - Manchester 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Rieti & Sabina Film Festival 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Ariano Film Festival 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Festival del Cinema di Cefalù 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Ischia Global Film Festival 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Mestia Film Festival 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Madfa - Madrid Film Award 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Ostia Film Festival 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Ciak Film Festival Fiuggi 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Cinemaking Film Bangladesh 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Lift-Off Pinewood 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Piceno Cinema Festival 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Voce Spettacolo Matera 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Ekurhuleni Film Sudafrica 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Capri Film Festival 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Moving Film Festival Iran 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Cinema Nahualli Messico 2022 - Selezione Ufficiale Croatia Creators Film Festival 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Brno Film Festival Rep. Ceca 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Kalakari Film Festival India 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Fiducia Film Festival 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Liberation Docfest Bangladesh 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Norgs Indipendent Festival Iran 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Metropolis Film Festival Milano 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Nepal International Film Festival 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Newark Film Festival USA 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Transito Film Festival Lentiai (BL) 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Animal International Film Festival (NA) 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Sezze Film Festival 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale AIU Film Festival Kuwait 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale Ravenwood Film Festival Canada 2023 - Selezione Ufficiale

Documentary Short Film

Pacing the Pool (2021) | Short Documentary Film | Trailer

Pacing the Pool (2021) | Short Documentary Film | Trailer

*please view in 1080p* Produced through the City of Vincent Film Project A tiny glimpse into the extraordinary life of Richard Pace, and what lies under the surface. To Richard, water is not only the source of life, but also the source of physical and mental healing. Crew Director: Radheya Jegatheva Producer: Jay Jay Jegathesan Executive Producer: Ashleigh Nicolau Writers: Radheya Jegatheva & Jay Jay Jegathesan Director of Photography: Justice Goodrick Editor: Cal McLean Assistant Director: Emma Thomason Co-Producer: Holly Miller Assistant Camera: Bayley Simonds, Gareth Weston Gaffer: Matt O'Sullivan, Gareth Weston Best Boys: Max Mules, Luke Hackett, Markus Deakin Sound Recordist: Zac Holmes Sound Designer: Radheya Jegatheva Colorist: Radheya Jegatheva Production Assistant: Mirae Jang Catering: Mirae Jang BTS Photographer: Jenina David, Renee Wood-Gush, Jay Jay Jegathesan Assistant to Producer (Archival Material): Silas O'Reilly Music by Scott Buckley ____________________ Director’s Statement We all know water is the source of all life. But for Richard Pace it's more than just a source of sustenance - being in the water is an immense source of healing and provides the framework for a loving community. Being able to capture that essence was really heart-warming to see, and it made the filmmaking process a truly special experience. I swam with Richard in the pool in the morning, visited his factory where he runs his food business and had many long conversations to get to know him and what he wanted to share with the world. It was incredibly important to me that he was portrayed how he wanted to be portrayed, and that he was happy with the way his story was shared on screen. As such, I knew that the film had to be told from Richard’s point of view, and we always needed to hear his voice (literally), his personality, and perspective throughout. His direct quotes narrate the film with his impressions and experiences. From his memories as a child to simply how he feels in the water. We wanted Richard to speak for himself, accompanied by smaller quotes and snippets of those closest to him. At the end of the day, Richard is just another bloke that’s part of the community, which I wanted to underline with his interactions with his ‘pool family’. Both of us thought it was important to show how he used swimming and aquatherapy to help the effects of Polyostotic Fibrous Displaysia, as well as the importance of having a supportive community and social group. It’s important to note that his documentary only reveals a small slice of Richard's astounding life (please read his book for more, ‘Keeping Pace’). I wanted to literally and figuratively depict what goes on under the surface - both in his body and mind. Loneliness, fear, friendship, hope, love. Years of battling a debilitating bone disease has not worn him down. He's a strong man and a great friend.
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